Keeeva™ Marketplace Fees and Commissions
Joining is 100% FREE...and ridiculously easy!
Becoming a seller and listing your items for sale is completely FREE. Simply create your Seller Account and begin adding products for sale. Then you can promote your products ANYWHERE you want: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... anywhere. It's really that easy. hard to believe, right? Well, it's true... we promise.
We simply charge a nominal $2 convenience fee + 5% of your item price. For example, if you sell a used saddle pad for $15.00 in our marketplace, we'll earn just $2.25. It's not much, but it's enough to inspire us to keep building, expanding, and developing this one-of-a-kind marketplace!
If your buyer uses a credit card or their PayPal account to purchase your item, the credit card company or PayPal will pocket 2.6-2.9% + $0.30 per order. Those are just the fees you can anticipate when purchasing anything online or anywhere else using those methods of payment. So, in our example above, our friendly payment processors would take $0.75 right off the top from your sale (2.9% +$0.30 = $0.75). It doesn't seem like too much, but when the prices go up on higher value items, it gets to be a bit harder to swallow.
As a consumer, you don't notice it... but when you're the vendor, you learn quickly to add a little extra to your product prices to accommodate for the payment processors' standard fees. It's safe to assume a 3% markup on your desired price to cover the payment processing fees.
Once you've sold something through our marketplace, you'll receive a Seller Payout from Keeeva™. We process seller payouts instantly after you've fulfilled your orders (i.e., shipped to the buyer), and you'll be paid directly though our safe and secure PayPal gateway. All we need is your PayPal email address!
There are ZERO out of pocket costs to join and sell on our marketplace! We said ZERO. Zilch. Zip. Nada.
Our commissions are always paid by the buyer at the time of sale.
*Pro tip: You can also include a few extra $ in your item price to cover our fees.
Not too shabby, right?