Seller Account RSS
Customer Accounts vs. Seller Accounts?
The Keeeva online equestrian marketplace is a wonderful new place for horse enthusiasts from around the globe to share their love of horses and buy and sell horse related products. Anyone who wants to sell on our site can do so with a few clicks, and there are ZERO out of pocket costs to list your items on our site. We only take a small commission when you sell something. There are two types of accounts here on our marketplace: Customer Accounts and Seller Accounts. You can be a customer. You can be a seller. Or you can be both!...
Seller Admin Tool: Setting up your profile
Congratulations, you've successfully created your Seller Account with the Keeeva™ Equestrian Online Marketplace! Once you've signed up, you'll receive a few important emails from us. One will ask you to verify your email. It's just one extra step we've added just to help ensure the legitimacy of our marketplace. A second email will also invite you to activate your new Customer Account so that you can also PURCHASE items from our marketplace. It's important to note that these are two separate accounts. One for buying, one for selling. The third email will welcome you to the marketplace as an approved Seller and outline...